William Blake


The esoteric significance of the symbol at left is the Squaring of the Circle and is one of many symbols that refer to Spirituality and Illumination.

In geometry, a Circle and a Square may not have the same area in terms of exact measurement; there is no way to Square the Circle exactly by geometrical methods. The Square may be measured exactly, however in measuring a Circle, we use the mathematical equation Pi which equates with a a number which has no definite end; therefore the square may never contain exactly the area of the circle and vice versa.

Esoterically, the symbol represents the inability of the Divine, represented by the Circle to be exactly reproduced in the Earth plane, represented by the Square.

At the micro-cosmic level, the symbol of the dot and the circle represent the Soul and the Self. At the macro-cosmic level this symbol represents God. The dot at the center represents the transcendent unknowable and the source of all life. The outer circle is the Logos, that which is the manifested creation and may be known. The circle may be infinitely expanded and still remain a circle. Therefore the outer circle represents Creation and God as infinite. The space between the dot and the outer circle represents the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit all comes into manifestation. This symbol is only one means of defining the Holy Trinity.



For More about symbology and the Auric Egg exercise
SEE: http://www.gnostic.org/meditations/meditationsitting/pages/meditation2sym.htm